Resources for Participants
Venue and Arrival

ML-IP 2023 will take place at Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, on the Otaniemi campus. The closest metro and bus stop is "Aalto-Yliopisto (M)", about 15 minutes from the city centre (e.g. train station) by metro. Note this is not the same as the stop named just "Aalto" - that's a different place much farther away in Espoo! If you need to ask someone for directions, make sure to ask for Aalto University or Otaniemi.
The talks, tutorials, and poster sessions will take place in the main building, Otakaari 1 (marked ❶ on the map above). Please see the campus map above for the location relative to the metro station (marked with an M in an orange square) and Aalto Inn (marked no. 41). An interactive map can be found here. Most places on campus are within easy walking distance from the metro station.
Getting to and from the Airport
We highly recommend using public transportation to arrive to campus and accommodation from the airport (Helsinki-Vantaa airport, code HEL). There is a train that takes about 30 minutes to the city centre. You can take the train in either direction (trains "P" or "I") from the airport; both take you to the central railway station in about the same time. You can check schedules and prices on the website,, or using the HSL mobile app - remember to buy a ticket before you travel!
Taxis are also available; companies such as Uber, Yango, and Fixu Taxi all operate in the area. A single trip from the airport to the city is typically offered at a fixed price of 35 € (vs. 4.10 € with public transport) directly at the airport. Check the operators' websites for more details.
Multi-day ticket
HSL offers a multi-day travel ticket which may be substantially cheaper than buying individual tickets or day passes during your stay. The option is available on the HSL app under "Buy Tickets → Day Ticket". Remember to choose the correct zone: Zone AB contains both the Aalto campus and all of central Helsinki, while the airport is located in zone C. So you can either buy an AB ticket for duration of your stay, plus additional single tickets to get to and from the airport -- or just buy the ABC multi-day ticket for your whole stay. The complete optimization of public transport tickets, prices, and travel preferences is left as an exercise for the reader.
What to bring
Warm and waterproof clothes (hat, mittens and scarf highly recommended), good non-slip shoes, notebook and own computer (to follow the tutorials), swimsuit (if you are going to the sauna or want to try talviuinti), collaborative spirit and a willingness to learn.
Group accommodation has been arranged with Unihome, mainly in the city centre (Töölö Towers) with a few rooms on campus (Aalto Inn). The options are:
Single room (Töölö Towers) for 95 € / night. Single occupancy, full breakfast included
Studio (Aalto Inn) for 102 € / night. Single occupancy w/ kitchen (limited number)
Please respond to the participant survey (sent on 03.10.) if you are interested in one of these pre-booked options. Other Unihome options may be bookable, especially in Töölö Towers, but please be sure to contact us first to get the university rate!
More economical options on campus include Forenom Hostel Otaniemi, or Sokos Heymo 1 as a budget-hotel option. Reasonably-priced options may also be found in the city centre or in Espoo, especially sharing among two or more people. Note that the metro line, which runs from campus west through Espoo, puts many options in e.g. Matinkylä or even Kivenlahti within reach.
SCAM ALERT: A company called "Global Travel Experts" has apparently been contacting workshop participants and offering to book their accommodation. Please do not respond to these messages; they have no relationship with us and are likely scammers. If you reserved accommodation with Unihome, you will receive communication from a email address only. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have doubts about the authenticity of a message.
Lunch and dining
There are many options for lunch on the Otaniemi campus. A full list can be found here, with daily menus:
We have a group reservation at Mau-kas on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:30-14:00; the meal is buffet-style and costs 11.50 € (10.10 € for the vegetarian/vegan option). For the other days, one good option is Wicked Rabbit (located in the same space as Food & Co., A-bloc, above the metro station), which has a wide selection of exclusively plant-based foods.
There are a few dinner restaurants on campus as well, e.g. Fat Lizard, but there are many more options in the city center. Note that the metro only runs until 11:30pm on weekdays.
Breakfast is included if you are staying at Töölö Towers. If you are staying in Otaniemi, there are two nice cafés in A-bloc (the metro station) that have breakfast options, as well as a kiosk and some grocery stores. You can also get a full breakfast from Mau-kas (Vuorimiehentie 5), the same place where we will have lunch.
Code of Conduct
All attendees, including organizers and speakers, are expected to follow the workshop Code of conduct. Please get in touch with one of the organizers immediately if you experience or witness violations of this Code, or if you experience or witness any behaviour that makes you feel unsafe, unwelcome, or disrespected. Note that the CECAM Code of Conduct for events also applies here.
Other Useful Links
Please use the CECAM-hosted workshop site for registration (see also this website's Participation tab for detailed instructions), abstract and poster submission, and official scheduling and contact information.
Other potentially useful resources:
Pikku suomen fraasikirja / Useful* Finnish phrases
Almost everyone you meet in Helsinki will speak perfect English. However, in the (unlikely) event someone starts speaking to you in Finnish, the guide below may* be helpful.
*usefulness not guaranteed
Suomi ↔ English
Moi! / Hei! ↔ Hello!
Moi moi! / Hei hei! ↔ Goodbye!
Kiitos / Kiitti ↔ Thank you / Ta
Anteeksi ↔ Excuse me
Varo! ↔ Watch out!
Apua! ↔ Help!
Ei, kiitos. ↔ No, thank you.
Saisinko kahvi ja korvapuusti, kiitos? ↔ Could I have a coffee and a cinnamon roll, please?
Kahvi on loppu. ↔ There is no more coffee.
[in sauna] OVI KII! ↔ Close the door!
Minä olen täysin jäässä. ↔ I am very cold / completely frozen.
Meneekö tämä ratikka Tamperelle? ↔ Does this tram go to Tampere?
Missähän on päärautatieasema? ↔ Could you please direct me to the main railway station?
Ilmatyynyalukseni on täynnä ankeriaita**. ↔ My hovercraft is full of eels.
Juoksentelisinkohan? ↔ I wonder if I should run around aimlessly?
No niin. ↔ All right, then.
No niin. ↔ Oh, well.
No niin! ↔ Let's go! / Here we go!
No niin! ↔ Finally!
Voi ↔ Butter
Voi ↔ He/she/it is able to
Voi voi! ↔ Uh-oh!
Kuusi palaa ↔ Six slices
Kuusi palaa ↔ The spruce tree is returning.
Kuusi palaa ↔ Your moon is on fire.
[silence] ↔ What nice weather we're having.
[silence] ↔ What terrible weather we're having.
[silence] ↔ I love being in nature.
[silence] ↔ I wish I were in the sauna right now.
[silence] ↔ I would like to sit here but am too shy to ask.
[intense silence] ↔ Please move out of the way.
[intense silence] ↔ You really should wait for a green light to cross the street.
[intense silence] ↔ Please turn down your music; I can hear it through your headphones.
[silence] ↔ Isn't silence fun?
Mä puhun nyt täydellistä suomea. ↔ I speak perfect Finnish now.
** this translation courtesy of